


The valid types of output file formats.

class kittycad.models.file_export_format.FileExportFormat(value)[source][source]

The valid types of output file formats.

FBX = 'fbx'[source]

# Binary glTF 2.0.

This is a single binary with .glb extension.

This is better if you want a compressed format as opposed to the human readable glTF that lacks compression.

GLB = 'glb'[source]

# glTF 2.0. Embedded glTF 2.0 (pretty printed).

Single JSON file with .gltf extension binary data encoded as base64 data URIs.

The JSON contents are pretty printed.

It is human readable, single file, and you can view the diff easily in a git commit.

GLTF = 'gltf'[source]

//> It may or may not have an an attached material (mtl // mtllib) within the file, but we interact with it as if it does not.


# The OBJ file format. <https

OBJ = 'obj'[source]



# The PLY file format. <https

PLY = 'ply'[source]



# The STEP file format. <https

STEP = 'step'[source]



# The STL file format. <https

STL = 'stl'[source]
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'_generate_next_value_': <function Enum._generate_next_value_>, '__module__': 'kittycad.models.file_export_format', '__doc__': 'The valid types of output file formats.', '__str__': <function FileExportFormat.__str__>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'FileExportFormat' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'FileExportFormat' objects>, '_member_names_': ['FBX', 'GLB', 'GLTF', 'OBJ', 'PLY', 'STEP', 'STL'], '_member_map_': {'FBX': <FileExportFormat.FBX: 'fbx'>, 'GLB': <FileExportFormat.GLB: 'glb'>, 'GLTF': <FileExportFormat.GLTF: 'gltf'>, 'OBJ': <FileExportFormat.OBJ: 'obj'>, 'PLY': <FileExportFormat.PLY: 'ply'>, 'STEP': <FileExportFormat.STEP: 'step'>, 'STL': <FileExportFormat.STL: 'stl'>}, '_member_type_': <class 'str'>, '_value2member_map_': {'fbx': <FileExportFormat.FBX: 'fbx'>, 'glb': <FileExportFormat.GLB: 'glb'>, 'gltf': <FileExportFormat.GLTF: 'gltf'>, 'obj': <FileExportFormat.OBJ: 'obj'>, 'ply': <FileExportFormat.PLY: 'ply'>, 'step': <FileExportFormat.STEP: 'step'>, 'stl': <FileExportFormat.STL: 'stl'>}, 'FBX': <FileExportFormat.FBX: 'fbx'>, 'GLB': <FileExportFormat.GLB: 'glb'>, 'GLTF': <FileExportFormat.GLTF: 'gltf'>, 'OBJ': <FileExportFormat.OBJ: 'obj'>, 'PLY': <FileExportFormat.PLY: 'ply'>, 'STEP': <FileExportFormat.STEP: 'step'>, 'STL': <FileExportFormat.STL: 'stl'>, '__repr__': <function Enum.__repr__>, '__format__': <function Enum.__format__>, '__new__': <function Enum.__new__>, '__annotations__': {}})[source]
__module__ = 'kittycad.models.file_export_format'[source]
_generate_next_value_(start, count, last_values)[source]

Generate the next value when not given.

name: the name of the member start: the initial start value or None count: the number of existing members last_value: the last value assigned or None

_member_map_ = {'FBX': FileExportFormat.FBX, 'GLB': FileExportFormat.GLB, 'GLTF': FileExportFormat.GLTF, 'OBJ': FileExportFormat.OBJ, 'PLY': FileExportFormat.PLY, 'STEP': FileExportFormat.STEP, 'STL': FileExportFormat.STL}[source]
_member_names_ = ['FBX', 'GLB', 'GLTF', 'OBJ', 'PLY', 'STEP', 'STL'][source]

alias of str

_value2member_map_ = {'fbx': FileExportFormat.FBX, 'glb': FileExportFormat.GLB, 'gltf': FileExportFormat.GLTF, 'obj': FileExportFormat.OBJ, 'ply': FileExportFormat.PLY, 'step': FileExportFormat.STEP, 'stl': FileExportFormat.STL}[source]