

asyncio(output_format, src_format, body, *, ...)

If you wish to specify the conversion options, use the /file/conversion endpoint instead.

asyncio_detailed(output_format, src_format, ...)


Response[Union[FileConversion, Error, None]]

sync(output_format, src_format, body, *, client)

If you wish to specify the conversion options, use the /file/conversion endpoint instead.

sync_detailed(output_format, src_format, ...)


Response[Union[FileConversion, Error, None]]

kittycad.api.file.create_file_conversion._build_response(*, response)[source][source]
Return type:

Response[Union[FileConversion, Error, None]]

kittycad.api.file.create_file_conversion._get_kwargs(output_format, src_format, body, *, client)[source][source]
Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

kittycad.api.file.create_file_conversion._parse_response(*, response)[source][source]
Return type:

Union[FileConversion, Error, None]

async kittycad.api.file.create_file_conversion.asyncio(output_format, src_format, body, *, client)[source][source]

If you wish to specify the conversion options, use the /file/conversion endpoint instead. Convert a CAD file from one format to another. If the file being converted is larger than 25MB, it will be performed asynchronously. If the conversion is performed synchronously, the contents of the converted file (output) will be returned as a base64 encoded string. If the operation is performed asynchronously, the id of the operation will be returned. You can use the id returned from the request to get status information about the async operation from the /async/operations/{id} endpoint.

Return type:

Union[FileConversion, Error, None]

async kittycad.api.file.create_file_conversion.asyncio_detailed(output_format, src_format, body, *, client)[source][source]
Return type:

Response[Union[FileConversion, Error, None]]

kittycad.api.file.create_file_conversion.sync(output_format, src_format, body, *, client)[source][source]

If you wish to specify the conversion options, use the /file/conversion endpoint instead. Convert a CAD file from one format to another. If the file being converted is larger than 25MB, it will be performed asynchronously. If the conversion is performed synchronously, the contents of the converted file (output) will be returned as a base64 encoded string. If the operation is performed asynchronously, the id of the operation will be returned. You can use the id returned from the request to get status information about the async operation from the /async/operations/{id} endpoint.

Return type:

Union[FileConversion, Error, None]

kittycad.api.file.create_file_conversion.sync_detailed(output_format, src_format, body, *, client)[source][source]
Return type:

Response[Union[FileConversion, Error, None]]